This is the Opportunity "Sol 1 Postcard" by Pancam. This is a color composite from Pancam's blue (480 nm), green (530 nm) and near-IR (750 nm) filters. Because the near-IR filter was used as the red channel, the image had to be color balanced to yield a rendering of approximate true color as would be seen by a person at the Opportunity landing site. It's not a mistake that the scene is noticeably dark--this is the darkest landing site ever visited by spacecraft on Mars! (reflectivity only around 10 to 15%). The rover and lander are resting at about a 5 degree tilt, and so the 1-2 m high crater rim visible at the top of the mosaic appears larger than it actually is. Two small packets of the blue filter part of this panorama were still missing as of the assembly of this version of the panorama around 20:00 LST on Sol 2. The blue data from these parts of the scene have been approximated using the color information from the red and green channels from the same parts of the scene (one airbag part and one small soil patch). The mosaic will be re-generated and more rigorously map-projected to remove spacecraft tilt once these missing packets are downlinked, and an updated version of this panorama will be generated for posting on the Web. Local Solar Time = 16:00 to 16:20 on Sol 1. View is looking to the west-southwest. Image processing, mapping, and calibration by J. Bell, M. Malin, and the Athena/Cornell Pancam team -Jim Bell Pancam PEL USERNAME: jabell