xpe_1M130314030EFF0400P2939M2M1.txt The Trench Throws a Dirt Clod at Scientists This picture, obtained by the microscopic imager on sol 24, February 17 PST, shows soil clods exposed in the upper wall of the trench dug by Opportunity's right front wheel on sol 23. The clods were not exposed before the trench was made. The presence of soil clods implies weak bonding between individual soil grains. The chemical agent or mineral that causes the dirt to bind together into a clod, which scientists call, "the bonding agent" is currently unknown. Moessbauer and alpha particle X-ray spectrometer measurements of this spot, planned for sol 25, might help understand the bonding process, which will ultimately help the rover team understand how the geological processes vary across the red planet. In any case, the bonds between soil grains here cannot be very strong because the wheel dug down through this layer with little trouble. Submitted by Justin Maki and Rob Sullivan. Rob Sullivan cell: 607-339-7690) RELEASE DATE: February 18, 2004 IMAGE FILE NAME: 1M130314030EFF0400P2939M2M1.jpg SOURCE FILE NAME: 1M130314030EFF0400P2939M2M1 SUMMARY INFORMATION: microscopic image taken on sol 24 NAME OF SUBMITTER: Justin Maki and Rob Sullivan INSTITUTION: Rob = Cornell TEAM: Science Team Member SOL OF OBSERVATION: sol 24 EARTH DATE OF OBSERVATION: February 17, 2004 TITLE OF IMAGE: The Trench Throws a Dirt Clod at Scientists CAPTION: ABOVE
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