APXS_Meridiani3: The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) allows determination of the chemical composition of rocks and soil. Alpha particles and x-rays are emitted by the Curium-244 radioisotope sources and cause electron disploacements with the atoms in the bombarded area, resulting in a cascade of fluorescent x-rays at unique energies for each atom in the periodic table. The aperture for measurement is 28 mm in diameter. Intensities (in counts per seconds) and energies (in eV) of these x-rays are registered in an x-ray detector to produce s-ray spectra. If comparing two spectra, their relative intensities at a given energy are proportional to the elemental concentrations. However, the proportionality factors can be complex, and are determined by an extensive calibration of the instrument using well-analyzed geochemical standards. Shown here are full energy spectra of x-rays(plotted in log scale)taken from Tamaruc, a soil patch at Meridiani, and from the rock McKittrick after its surface was grinded by the RAT. High concentrations of sulfur and bromine in this rock are evident.